fitter, happier, more productive...
The story so far...
In March 2008, with help from Campaign & Democracy Support, a group of students at Leeds University Union (LUU) got together to create their very own social centre, now known as the Peanut Gallery.
Join the Peanut Gallery Facebook group!
Like other social centres, the Peanut Gallery provides a space to discuss ideas, plan strategic and effective actions, nurture grass-roots campaigns and promote alternative ways of living based on autonomy, solidarity and mutual aid.
Then the trouble started...
LUU finances began to look gloomy...
Leeds University couldn't help the Union.
Things were looking pretty bad.
Then, Banco Santander made an offer.
They proposed a new partnership with the University. They wanted to provide financial services to international students. So, they offered the Union a large sum of money to get a space in the Union. And guess which space they chose?
That's right - the Peanut Gallery.
A difficult decision was made.
Now, if all goes to plan Banco Santander will be moving into the space in the not too distant future...
But do not despair...
We've been offered a much better new space with:
A separate kitchen:
A separate meeting room:
A bigger cafe area with more space for computers:
The potential for a permanent cinema:
And a big storage space:
Plus, the money from Santander means there won't be LUU job cuts.
Everyone's really keen we keep a space for the Peanut Gallery in the Union, especially as the Common Place in Leeds' city centre is having problems and may have to close.
So during LUU Social Forum...
...we can rebuild the Peanut Gallery! This will be a great opportunity to introduce new students to the space, give them a sense of ownership, ensure there's enough volunteers to keep the space up and running for next year and make the new Peanut Gallery even better than the last!
Dr Paul Chatterton from the TRAPESE (Taking Radical Action through Popular Education and Sustainable Everything) collective will be running a workshop: "What is a social centre and how do you build one?" at 2pm in the new Peanut Gallery on day one of the LUU Social Forum.
So come along and get involved!
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