From the 28th September to the 2nd of October 2009
LUU will host 5 days of students, environment, sport,
culture and action.
This is the schedule so far:
Monday 28th September - Students
12pm - 1pm Ripple
FREE lunch in the peanut gallery
1pm - 2.30pm Points Means Visas (Info Point)
Stuart Hodkinson (UCU) debates the controversial new points based immigration system with UKIP Gereneral Secretary Jonathan Arnott. Come along and say what you fink!
4pm - 5pm Give It A Go - How to change your Union (Peanut Gallery)
Aidan Grills (LUU Director of membership services) and Hannah Greenslade (Community Officer) explain how to make the changes you want to see to your student union.
5.30pm - 7pm Where's my £3k going? (Riley Smith Hall)
Fink club debate on how Leeds University spend your fees with Professor Steve Scott, (University Pro Vice-Chancellor for Students & Staff), Ben Whittaker (NUS Welfare Officer) and Dr Gavin Reid, (Leeds UCU President).
7.30pm - 10pm Open Mic (Peanut Gallery)
Poet, Music, Comedy...Share your talents
Tuesday 29th September - Environment
12pm - 1pm Ripple
FREE lunch in the peanut gallery
1.30pm - 2.30pm Can science save us? (Peanut Gallery)
Climate camper Claire Fauset talks to the Head of Innovation at UoL, Richard Williams
3pm-5pm Are Free Markets the Answer? (Peanut Gallery)
Student and Avaaz worker Joe Finlayson explores in the Peanut Gallery.
5pm - 6.30pm You're not fucked: Copenhagen and Climate Justice (Riley Smith Hall)
Fink club debate with Ashok Sinha (Director of Stop Climate Chaos) Nick Dearden (Director of Jubilee Debt Campaign) and Simon Lewis (IPCC & UoL) discussing what to expect from "the most important meeting in history"
7pm - 9pm Age of Stupid (Clothworkers South Lecture Theatre 2 UoL)
Film showing
Wednesday 30th September - Sport
12pm - 1pm Ripple
FREE lunch in the peanut gallery
1pm - 3pm Play Fair (Sports Centre - Sports Halls 1a and 1b)
Come and play football, basketball or dodgeball with a fun and interesting twist.
3pm - 5pm Recession and resistance: co-ordinating the student struggle (Peanut Gallery)
The Revolution Society host John Bodem
5pm - 7pm Put the kettle on (Info Point)
A debate on security and liberty in the UK with Insp. Fran Naughton (West Yorkshire Police), Joe Rogers (Hyde Park student resident), Max (animal rights activist) and Steven Powell (Director of the Football Supporters Federation)
7pm - 9pm Taking Liberties (Peanut Gallery)
Film showing
Thursday 1st October - Culture
12pm - 1pm Ripple
FREE lunch in the peanut gallery
1pm - 2.30pm Should we invite the BNP to campus? (Info Point)
Debate with Yemi Makinde (NUS), Corey Dixon (Academic Career & Affairs Officer, Oriel College, Oxford), Nabil Ahmed (FOSIS) and Weyman Bennett (Unite against facism)
3pm - 5pm Any Questions? (Game On)
Come along for a free cup of tea and the chance to ask members of minority ethnic, religious and social groups the questions you were always too scared to ask.
5.30pm - 7pm Israel and Palestine: What's all the fuss about? (Conference Hall)
Panel debate with Robin Hamilton-Taylor (Public Affairs, Embassy of Israel) Chris Doyle (Director of the Council for Arab-British Understanding) and Sharon Booth (Director of Outreach for Onevoice)
8.00pm - 9.30pm Something to Smile About (Riley Smith Hall)
Award winning comic Robin Ince and Geri Bury provide an evening of laughs!
Tickets £3 (suggested donation) available from the CDS office and at the daily free 30,000 Ways lunchtime Ripple
Friday 2nd October - Action
12pm - 1pm Ripple
FREE lunch in the peanut gallery
1pm - 3pm Alternative tour of Leeds
Bondi Beach not your thing? - don't wait 3 years to find all the good bits of Leeds. Meet outside the Union on the steps.
1pm-3pm Guerilla Gardening
When is a bomb a good bomb? When it's full of seeds! take a different look at gardening with Isabel Swift. Meet outside the Union on the steps.
3pm- 5pm NVDA training (Peanut Gallery)
Members of People & Planet and Climate Camp introduce non-violent direct action
5pm-7pm Why we Broke the Law (Peanut Gallery, Leeds University Union)
The Drax 29 portesters Paul Chatterton and Bertie Russell who hijacked a coal train destined for Drax power station talk to Leeds Student why they did it.
7pm- late 30,000Ways Party CANCELLED - Go to this instead!
Bike powered musical fun at a secret location - sign up to I WANT CHANGE to find out where!